Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Afternoon Plague

The 4pm plague still gets me...heavy sigh...deep breath. Now that the weather has cooled to 90 degrees in the afternoon I am trying a new prescription to survive the Plague of 4pm, it's called tea. Whaa whaa whaa. How boring, but it's working! Seriously, the slight drop in temperature means I am no longer running the air conditioning ALL day and my body temperature is regular. I decided to give my fave night time tea a try, with a twist. I regularly drink chamomile tea at night, clearly not a wise decision in the afternoon.  So I switched it out for ginger tea with stinging nettle tea, some honey, coconut oil and splash of my fave coconut milk creamer. I'm sweating, but the pick me up is being met with much success. I had to think of something, I can't drink wine at 4pm everyday...can I???

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Dear 4pm,

Screw you...Too much? But seriously, am I the only one? 4pm sucks. I am completely convinced that I wake up each morning with a set amount of patience and when it runs out, it's out. Usually occurring somewhere between 3-5pm. I hear myself with my kids and I cringe.  I exhale, I pray, I drink wine (Not everyday, but Happy Hour clearly exists for parents) and I still cannot muster a steady, kind voice. My kids are my favorite people in the whole world...until 4pm. After 4pm it's survival mode until bedtime. Then I put them to bed, do the dishes, wipe the counters, grunt at my husband (because words require too much energy), pick a TV show or book and...miss my kids! Wait, what??
I fear I sound totally mean, or like an alcoholic, so truth be told I usually have a game plan. It's called "sunshine."  The afternoons are meant for playing, fresh air, running and deep breaths. But the IE is offering up 110 degree temps lately and we are on house arrest. I love love love Fall, but I forget that September is the most brutal month of the year where I reside. I'm spent...
Ok. I need a new vibe. Here are 5 things I am grateful for Right Now:
1. Air conditioning
2. Ice cubes
3. Margaritas with ice cubes
4. Disney movies
5. My family

I'm done wine-ing, I mean whining...for now. If 4pm stinks, you are not alone!

Monday, September 8, 2014

I can feel Fall

We are heading into my absolute favorite time of year. The rain today has me crafting in anticipation of the season change (I'm cranking the air and ignoring humidity). If you know me then you know that I do not have a crafting bone in my body; I try to replace my lack of skill with hardwork and spirit. 👍Pinterest inspires me, I apply it, fail heavily and pray no one looks too closely. 

But seriously, I'm so excited for Fall this year that the kids and I are eating marshmallows and watching a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown at 2 in the afternoon. 

Oh cool nights and tall boots, I cannot wait to be together. 

Don't judge me:

The kids told me what faces to draw on the mini jack-o-laterns

Who knew mason jars are so versatile??

Saturday, June 21, 2014


I have a blog...huh...who knew? Apologies to anyone who checks, I have bad time management skills. 

Ok, so Avery got her tonsils and adenoids taken out. Big relief, huge. This poor kid has struggled with sleep since the day she was born. From thrashing to snoring to constant exhaustion we couldn't help her. An X-ray revealed a 75%+ blocked airway. We made the decision to have her tonsils/adenoids removed and are praying that she will finally have a peaceful nights rest. 

Polka dots...
and Pools

Are how we are surviving recovery. It's Day 3 and we desperately need out of the house but she also desperately needs rest still. Tips and tricks? Send them my way. I'm good at outdoor, not indoor, play. And the tv has been on way too much! 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Oh blog...

How I have neglected you. I have my excuses, I have my reasons, but I will save that for another day. Us at a glimpse:

Disneyland trip with ALL the cousins. 

Lots of park time. CA weather is killin it 

This kid wears a crown everywhere.. everywhere.


Jay and I went to prom. Haha! Our Valentine's Day dinner celebration at our church. This pic is priceless. 

I cut off my hair. 

Frozen party with neighborhood girls. Popcorn was everywhere, but totally worth it. 

Brenner is in a big boy bed. This really is how he sleeps. Blanket over his head since he was born. 

Amazing evening with Jay's old friends. We danced our butts off, I kept embarrassing Jay by attempting the robot. 

I met this little love. I couldn't stop smelling her. 

Once again, I will try to not be so darn flaky...trying

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Success

Magic fills this home at this time of year. 

Avery's preschool class put on a Christmas recital that had me smiling ear to ear. We dressed her in her Christmas best and she sang her heart out. From the back row we could clearly hear her shouting every word and nailing every hand movement.

After the show was over Jay took a photo opt back on stage. Avery immediately went back into her song and gave us a solo performance. 

Christmas Eve. Off to church without Daddy. He was home with the plague. 

Day after Christmas recovery. Avery sporting her Dr. Outfit. Perfect gift. 

Celebrating Mommy-Mita's bday at Medievil Times. It was SO fun. Our green knight won!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Baby it's Cold Outside

I snapped this photo 10x and this is the best I got. But how bundled up we were to brave our routine wagon ride was comical. We are definitely a SoCal family.  Brrrrr

Friday, December 6, 2013

Oops, I forgot

I think I forgot that I have a blog.  Oopsy

We are officially in my fave time of year. I love Fall and the transition to Winter. It comes with birthdays, holidays, parties and family. 

Here's a taste of what we have been up to:

Sea World
Beautiful weather
Well behaved kids
Patient parents
Great day

So lucky to have a bestie along for the ride.

Movies. We took the fam to see Frozen the day after Thanksgiving. Such a cute movie

X-rays. Putting this gown on caused an epic meltdown. But little girl took some big breaths, held mommy's hand and was a champ. Afterward, she talked about how much fun it was and that the doc took a picture of the "inside" of her nose and neck. 

Mid meltdown pic for Daddy. 

School pics are in.  Avery Loves (capital L) preschool. Her teachers and school are amazing. It is so fun watching her blossom. 

Meet Santa. First time for everything. Brenner's ugly face cracks me up. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloweenie

We are so blessed by our amazing neighborhood! Avery rocked her Jessie costume and Brenner lived in fear of his. I chased him down, forced him in the body suit and surrendered the dinosaur head piece while Jay bribed him with M&Ms. 

It was an absolutely fantastic holiday! We are so lucky to have such fabulous neighbors! 

The ladies of Orchard Glenn who make it all possible. Muah! 

Monday, October 28, 2013


Thirty three is rapidly approaching. It's somewhat painful to admit, t.h.i.r.t.y.-t.h.r.e.e.

I thought maturity and wisdom would start to come. I mean, come on, I'm in my thirties!! Turns out the older I get, the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know. 

I live an incredibly blessed life. I look at my children and continue to be overwhelmed by the love I have for them and just how incredibly lucky I am to be their mommy. 

My husband is diligent, hard working, loyal and loves me. 

Maybe my thirties aren't so bad. In them I have experienced more joy, love and happiness than I could have imagined in lifetime.  Although, I have also discovered wrinkles and grey hair.